What is MMMCDLXXIV in Arabic numerals


To convert the Roman numeral MMMCDLXXIV to Arabic numerals, follow these steps:

Step 1: Break down the Roman numeral into its component parts:
- MMM represents 3,000 (M = 1,000, and MMM = 3 x 1,000)
- CD represents 400 (CD = 400)
- L represents 50 (L = 50)
- XX represents 20 (X = 10, and XX = 2 x 10)
- IV represents 4 (IV = 4)

Step 2: Add up the individual values obtained in step 1:
3,000 + 400 + 50 + 20 + 4 = 3,474

Therefore, MMMCDLXXIV is equal to 3,474 in Arabic numerals.

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