what can i study with mathematics literacy, geography,business studies and history

check with your college counselor

or, visit a college and talk to the faculty there

Rather than figure out what you can do with what you know, discover what you love, and find out what it will take to succeed in that field.

With mathematics literacy, geography, business studies, and history, you have a diverse range of subjects that can lead to various areas of study and career paths. Here are some options:

1. Urban Planning and Development: Combine your knowledge of geography and math with urban planning courses to study how cities are designed, the impact of urbanization, and how to create sustainable communities.

2. Environmental Science: Combine your understanding of geography with a focus on environmental science to study issues such as climate change, natural resource management, and conservation.

3. International Relations: Use your knowledge of geography, history, and business studies to study the relationships between countries, diplomacy, globalization, and international business.

4. Economics: Consider studying economics, where you can apply your understanding of business studies and math to analyze market trends, consumer behavior, and economic policies.

5. Tourism and Hospitality Management: Combine your understanding of geography and business studies to study how tourism impacts local and global economies, as well as the management of hotels, resorts, and tourism destinations.

6. Social Sciences: Pursue a degree in social sciences, where you can apply your knowledge of history, geography, and business studies to study society, culture, politics, and human behavior.

Remember, these are just a few examples, and there are many more subjects and career paths available to you based on your interests and strengths in these subjects.

With a combination of mathematics literacy, geography, business studies, and history, you have a diverse range of subjects that can lead to various fields of study. Here are a few options you can consider:

1. Urban Planning or Geography: With geography and mathematics literacy, you can pursue a career in urban planning. This field involves studying the spatial organization of cities, land use, transportation, and economic development.

2. International Relations: Combining geography, history, and business studies can provide a solid foundation for a career in international relations. You can specialize in diplomacy, global politics, or international business.

3. Environmental Studies or Sustainability: Geography, business studies, and history can be helpful for studying the environment, climate change, and sustainability. This field focuses on finding solutions for global environmental challenges.

4. Economic Analysis or Policy: Business studies, mathematics literacy, and history can be beneficial for pursuing a career in economic analysis, policy-making, or research. You can work in government agencies, think tanks, or consulting firms.

5. Tourism and Hospitality Management: Geography, business studies, and history can be useful for studying tourism and hospitality management. This field involves understanding the economic, cultural, and environmental aspects of the tourism industry.

Remember, these are just a few options, and there are many other possibilities depending on your interests and goals. It's essential to research these fields in more detail, consider your strengths and passions, and seek guidance from career counselors or academic advisors to make an informed decision.