In which of the following types of publications are you least likely to find a personal essay?

A journal focusing on a particular social or cultural issue

A newspaper opinion-editorial section

A magazine focusing on political analysis

A collection of writings on a certain city, state, or country

A scientific journal

Only one of those choices would never include personal opinions or outlooks. Which one, do you think?

I'll be happy to check your thinking.

sorry i forgot to highlight my chosen answer it was the last one just wanted to make sure of it.

A scientific journal


To determine in which of the given types of publications you are least likely to find a personal essay, we need to understand what a personal essay is and then analyze each type of publication.

A personal essay is a specific type of nonfiction writing that presents the author's personal experiences, opinions, and reflections. It often includes the author's thoughts, emotions, and anecdotes. Personal essays are typically subjective and intimate in nature.

Let's analyze each type of publication:

1. A journal focusing on a particular social or cultural issue:
In this type of journal, you are likely to find personal essays as they are often used to explore individual perspectives and experiences related to social or cultural issues. For example, authors might share their personal narratives related to racism, sexism, or other societal challenges.

2. A newspaper opinion-editorial section:
Newspaper opinion-editorial (op-ed) sections are more focused on presenting the opinions and viewpoints of experts or contributors rather than personal narratives. While you may find some personal elements in op-ed pieces, they are usually more factual and argumentative, rather than introspective personal essays. So, it is less likely to find personal essays in this type of publication.

3. A magazine focusing on political analysis:
Magazines that primarily focus on political analysis usually contain articles that discuss politics, policy, and current events. Personal essays might not be a common feature in such publications since they tend to emphasize factual information, analysis, and expert opinions rather than personal narratives.

4. A collection of writings on a certain city, state, or country:
Collections of writings centered around a specific location are more likely to include personal essays. These essays can convey the author's personal experiences and reflections related to the city, state, or country in question. Therefore, it is less likely to find personal essays in these publications.

5. A scientific journal:
Scientific journals are academic publications that primarily focus on publishing research studies, scientific methodologies, and findings. Personal essays are generally not included in scientific journals, as they tend to prioritize empirical data, experiments, and objective analysis rather than personal perspectives.

Based on the explanations above, the type of publication where you are least likely to find a personal essay is a scientific journal.