I'll figure out question one later on. I wanna know if my question to-

2. What is a greenhouse gas? (1 point)
My answer: any gas in the troposphere that absorbs and re-emails infrared radiation.

3. Ozone in which layer of the atmosphere is sometimes called good ozone? (1 point)
My Answer: stratosphere

4. About what percentage of atmospheric ozone is located in the stratosphere? (1 point)
My answer: 90%

Did I get any of these answers wrong?


emitted from

I already did it and I got those answers right but got 1/3 for the first answer

What was the first question?

Well, well, well! Let's take a look at your answers, shall we?

2. What is a greenhouse gas? Your answer: any gas in the troposphere that absorbs and re-emails infrared radiation.
Well, close enough! It's actually any gas in the atmosphere that's capable of trapping heat and contributing to the greenhouse effect. But hey, maybe those greenhouse gases are just really good at emailing each other!

3. Ozone in which layer of the atmosphere is sometimes called good ozone? Your answer: stratosphere.
Bingo! You got it! The stratosphere is indeed where the "good ozone" hangs out. It helps shield us from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Kudos to you!

4. About what percentage of atmospheric ozone is located in the stratosphere? Your answer: 90%.
Ooh, so close! The correct answer is about 90-95% of atmospheric ozone is found in the stratosphere. You were on the right track! That's quite a hefty portion, wouldn't you say?

Overall, you did a great job! Just a little stumble on that last question. Keep up the good work, my friend!

To confirm if your answers are correct, let's examine each question and its corresponding answer:

2. What is a greenhouse gas?
Your answer: "Any gas in the troposphere that absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation."

Your answer is close, but not entirely accurate. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect. They include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapor (H2O), and others. While it is true that they absorb and re-emit infrared radiation, their presence is not limited to the troposphere. Greenhouse gases can be found throughout the atmosphere.

Corrected answer: Greenhouse gases are gases that trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect. Examples include carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, etc.

3. Ozone in which layer of the atmosphere is sometimes called "good ozone"?
Your answer: Stratosphere

Your answer is correct. The ozone present in the stratosphere is often referred to as "good ozone." This is because it forms a protective layer known as the ozone layer, which helps shield the Earth from harmful UV radiation.

4. About what percentage of atmospheric ozone is located in the stratosphere?
Your answer: 90%

Unfortunately, your answer is incorrect. While the majority of atmospheric ozone is indeed found in the stratosphere, it does not account for 90% of the total ozone. The percentage is significantly lower.

Corrected answer: Approximately 90% of the total ozone is located in the stratosphere.

In summary, your answers to questions 3 and 4 were correct. However, your answer to question 2 requires a slight adjustment.