A number cube is rolled 370 times and the results recorded as follows: there were 64 ones, 69 twos, 58 threes, 67 fours, 66 fives, and 46 sixes. What is the experimental probability of rolling an even number?

whats the answer

To find the experimental probability of rolling an even number, we need to determine the total number of rolls that resulted in even numbers and divide it by the total number of rolls.

In this case, the even numbers are twos, fours, and sixes.

To find the total number of even numbers rolled, we add the number of twos, fours, and sixes:
Number of twos + Number of fours + Number of sixes = 69 + 67 + 46 = 182

The total number of rolls is given as 370.

So, the experimental probability of rolling an even number is:
Number of even numbers rolled / Total number of rolls = 182 / 370 = 0.492 or 49.2%

Therefore, the experimental probability of rolling an even number is 49.2%.

To find the experimental probability of rolling an even number, we need to determine the total number of even outcomes and divide it by the total number of outcomes.

In this case, we have rolled the number cube 370 times. To find the total number of even outcomes, we need to add up the occurrences of twos, fours, and sixes.

Number of twos: 69
Number of fours: 67
Number of sixes: 46

Total number of even outcomes = 69 + 67 + 46 = 182

Now, we divide the total number of even outcomes by the total number of outcomes:

Experimental probability of rolling an even number = Number of even outcomes / Total number of outcomes

Experimental probability of rolling an even number = 182 / 370

To simplify this, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2:

Experimental probability of rolling an even number = 91 / 185

Therefore, the experimental probability of rolling an even number is 91/185.

Theoretical probability is n(s) = 6 and your set is the even numbers 2,4,6 so 3 in 6 that is 50%

The experimental probability is the value of the even tosses added together, that is,
2, 4, 6 the probabilities of each added up
69/370 + 67/370 + 46/370