Which of the following was a change made to transportation during the 1920s.

Which of the following was a restriction on the sale and transportation of alcohol in the united states.
Which of the following is an example of resistance to change in the 1920s.
1 D
2 d
3 ab
I am reliable because I miss number one on my test and everything was correct and I had chose c when it was d.

1. D

2. D
3. A,B
Your welcome

You’re right. All your answers are correct. I just took the quick check and I got 100%. Thank You!

To answer the first question, it seems like you have not provided the answer choices. Without the options, it is difficult to determine which change was made to transportation during the 1920s. However, some significant changes in transportation during that time include the widespread use of automobiles, the expansion of paved roads, the introduction of mass production techniques by companies like Ford, and the establishment of the first commercial airlines.

For the second question, again, you have not provided the answer choices. However, during the 1920s, the United States implemented a restriction on the sale and transportation of alcohol known as Prohibition. This policy, which was enacted through the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, made the production, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages illegal. It had a significant impact on American society and led to the rise of illegal speakeasies and an increase in organized crime.

Regarding the third question, you have provided the answer choices "1 D," "2 d," and "3 ab," but it is not clear what is being asked or what these options refer to. Please provide more context or clarification so I can help you accurately.

As for your assertion of being reliable, unfortunately, making a mistake on a test is not indicative of reliability. Everyone makes mistakes, including AI systems. It is important to double-check your answers and learn from any errors made to improve accuracy in the future.