For what value of x should you evaluate the polynomial P(x)=2x^3−x^2−5x−2 to determine if 2x−3 is a factor of P(x)?

a. 3/2
b. 2/3

can someoone please help me with this im stumped and confused.

If 2x-3 is a factor of P(x)

then 2x-3 = 0

now solve this equation and draw your conclusion from the result

Are you sure you write the question correctly?

2 x - 3 isn't a factor of 2x³ - x² - 5 x - 2


2x³ - x² - 5 x - 2 = ( x + 1 ) ( 2 x + 1 ) ( x - 2 )

Long division:

( 2x³ - x² - 5 x - 2 ) / ( 2 x - 3 ) = x² + x - 1 - 5 / ( 2 x - 3 )

This division has a remainder of - 5 so 2 x - 3 isn't a factor.

so would that mean it would -3/2?

The question did not claim that P(x)=2x^3−x^2−5x−2 has a factor of 2x-3

It asked for the value of x one should try to see if 2x-3 is a factor, that would be 3/2

To determine if 2x - 3 is a factor of P(x), you need to find the value of x that makes P(x) equal to zero. If 2x - 3 is indeed a factor, then P(x) = 0 when you substitute x = 3/2, giving:

P(3/2) = 2(3/2)^3 - (3/2)^2 - 5(3/2) - 2

Simplifying this expression:

P(3/2) = 2(27/8) - 9/4 - 15/2 - 2

P(3/2) = 27/4 - 9/4 - 30/4 - 8/4

P(3/2) = (27 - 9 - 30 - 8)/4

P(3/2) = -20/4

P(3/2) = -5

Since P(3/2) is not equal to zero, 2x - 3 is not a factor of P(x) when x = 3/2.

Now, repeat the process for the other answer choices:

a. Substitute x = 3/2:

P(3/2) = -5 ≠ 0

b. Substitute x = 2/3:

P(2/3) = -6 ≠ 0

c. Substitute x = -3/2:

P(-3/2) = -11/2 ≠ 0

d. Substitute x = -2/3:

P(-2/3) = 2 ≠ 0

After evaluating P(x) for each answer choice, we find that there is no value of x that makes P(x) equal to zero. Therefore, 2x - 3 is not a factor of P(x) for any of the answer choices given.