India's government is A secular B an Islamic republic

while Pakistan's government can be described as A secular B an Islamic republic


1.India's government is secular, while Pakistan's government can be described as an Islamic republic.

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. B

6. B

7. Although Buddhism has many things in common with Hinduism, the Buddha did not believe in many gods.

8. D

9. C

10. B, D

11. B

12. A

13. B

14. A


1. B


3.Many of the achievements of the ancient Indus Valley civilization was due to their advanced knowledge of "mathematics."

4. Gupta
"impressive temples and monuments built

this is bull

India's government is secular, while Pakistan's government can be described as an Islamic republic

give us a actual answer please? and you're right this is bull

Really? @I hate Putin

Just because she is Russian does NOT mean that she is attacking Ukraine right now.

@Random Russian Girl Thank you so much for the anwsers and god bless you. :)

really not all Russians are bad idiot

@random russian girl is %100 correct! <3


just because her name is "random russian girl" does not mean she is taking part of the "killing" in ukraine. grow up.

thanks for the answers @Random Russian Girl

Your totally so fetch<3