Carol’s cake recipe uses 5 cups of flour and 5 cups of milk. Enter the percentage of the cake recipe that is milk.


Sage is correct. 5 cups + 5 cups = 10 cups

5 divided by 10 equals .50
.50 x 100 = 50%

To find the percentage of the cake recipe that is milk, we need to calculate the ratio of milk to the total ingredients and then express it as a percentage.

To calculate the percentage, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the total amount of ingredients in the recipe.
The total amount of ingredients in this recipe is 5 cups of flour + 5 cups of milk = 10 cups.

Step 2: Calculate the ratio of milk to the total ingredients.
The ratio of milk to the total ingredients is 5 cups of milk / 10 cups of total ingredients.

Step 3: Convert the ratio to a percentage.
To convert the ratio to a percentage, multiply it by 100.
Percentage = (ratio of milk to total ingredients) * 100
Percentage = (5/10) * 100 = 50%

Therefore, the percentage of the cake recipe that is milk is 50%.