bongani is a car salesperson . he earns a commission of 3% on sale of a car with value of r220000 .calculate how commission he earned

x = 0.03 * 220,000

To calculate the commission earned by Bongani, we can use the formula:

Commission = (Commission Rate) * (Car Value)

Given that Bongani's commission rate is 3% and the value of the car is R220,000, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Commission = 0.03 * 220,000

Now, we can calculate the commission:

Commission = 6,600

Therefore, Bongani earned a commission of R6,600.

To calculate the commission that Bongani earned, you'll need to multiply his commission rate by the value of the car he sold.

First, convert Bongani's commission rate from a percentage (3%) to a decimal (0.03). To do this, divide the commission rate by 100:

Commission rate = 3% / 100 = 0.03

Next, multiply the commission rate by the value of the car he sold:

Commission earned = 0.03 * R220,000

Calculating this gives us:

Commission earned = R6,600

Therefore, Bongani earned a commission of R6,600.