14. Identify ∠7 and ∠4 as corresponding, alternate interior, or neither.

alternate interior

no thoughts on any of these?

Note also that pictures don't play well here.

To determine whether ∠7 and ∠4 are corresponding, alternate interior, or neither, we need to analyze their positions relative to a pair of parallel lines and a transversal.

In the given diagram, if we consider the pair of lines l and m, and the transversal n, we can see that ∠7 and ∠4 are both located between the pair of lines and on opposite sides of transversal n.

Since ∠7 and ∠4 are on opposite sides of the transversal and located between the pair of lines, they are considered corresponding angles.

Therefore, ∠7 and ∠4 are corresponding angles.