So i am writing my own fantasy story and there is a huge chunk of the story that has the same base plot as harry potter, where my main character is selected to go to a magical school...Anyway, i'm at the chapter where he finally goes to the new school, and i'm doing like chapters that have names, and i was wondering if anyone could help me figure out a good name for it, but i don't want it to be anything like, 'the new school' or 'a new school', because even though i'm like 6 chapters in, (7 if your counting the introduction) and i feel like i done that to much. ALSO, any other ideas would help!

What about "The mysteries of the new magic school"?

Yes, Thank you XxTeddybearsxX Thats awesome!!!! And yes Ms,100, i do, i want it to be more, AWESOME!

Or (characters name) has an adventure at his/her new school.

When it comes to naming chapters, one effective approach is to think about the theme or key event that takes place within the chapter. Since your story revolves around your main character attending a magical school, you can focus on that element to come up with a chapter title. Here are a few techniques to help you generate ideas:

1. Character perspective: Consider naming the chapter from your main character's perspective or based on their emotions or experiences upon arriving at the new school. For example, "Unveiling Wonders" or "Beyond Expectations."

2. Magical elements: Think about the magical aspects that make your school unique. You can include those elements in the chapter title. Examples might be "Arcane Beginnings" or "Enchanted Thresholds."

3. Foreshadowing: If there are specific events or conflicts that will occur in the chapter, you can hint at them in the title. For instance, if there is a mysterious secret revealed in this chapter, you could use a title like "Whispers of the Unknown" or "The Hidden Truth."

Remember, it's important to capture the reader's attention with compelling chapter titles without revealing too much about the content. Experiment with different combinations of words until you find a title that feels both intriguing and fitting for your story.