Simplify 4(x + 4y). + 2(5x - 3y)

4x+16y + 10x-6y


14x + 10y

To simplify the expression 4(x + 4y) + 2(5x - 3y), we can use the distributive property to multiply the coefficients with the terms inside the parentheses.

First, distribute the 4 to the terms inside the first set of parentheses:

4(x + 4y) = 4 * x + 4 * 4y = 4x + 16y

Next, distribute the 2 to the terms inside the second set of parentheses:

2(5x - 3y) = 2 * 5x + 2 * (-3y) = 10x - 6y

Now we can combine the two simplified expressions:

4x + 16y + 10x - 6y

To combine like terms, we add or subtract coefficients of the same variables:

(4x + 10x) + (16y - 6y) = 14x + 10y

Therefore, the simplified expression is 14x + 10y.