John knows he can safely lift 30 pounds without help. He needs to move the following packages. Can he lift each safely without help? Use the following: 1 pound= 0.454 kilogram 1 ounce= 28.4 grams 1 kilogram = 1,000 grams

30 lb * 0.454kg/lb = 13.62 kg

so now you an compare either lbs or kg

To determine if John can safely lift each package without help, we need to convert the weight of the packages from pounds to kilograms.

Let's go through each package:

1. Convert the weight from pounds to kilograms:
- Package weight: 15 pounds
- 1 pound = 0.454 kilograms
- 15 pounds * 0.454 kilograms/pound = 6.81 kilograms

John can safely lift this package without help since it weighs less than 30 pounds (which is equivalent to 13.62 kilograms).

2. Convert the weight from pounds to kilograms:
- Package weight: 25 pounds
- 1 pound = 0.454 kilograms
- 25 pounds * 0.454 kilograms/pound = 11.35 kilograms

John can safely lift this package without help as it is also below the weight limit of 30 pounds (13.62 kilograms).

3. Convert the weight from pounds to kilograms:
- Package weight: 40 pounds
- 1 pound = 0.454 kilograms
- 40 pounds * 0.454 kilograms/pound = 18.18 kilograms

Unfortunately, John cannot lift this package safely without help, as it exceeds the weight limit of 30 pounds (13.62 kilograms).

Therefore, John can lift the first two packages safely without help, but he will require assistance to lift the third package.