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How does climate change affect energy in the atmosphere?

a. Decreased ice causes less energy to be reflected.
b. Increased ice causes more energy to be reflected.
c. Increased ice causes less energy to be reflected.
d. Decreased ice causes more energy to be reflected.

i think its A. the less white surface there is the less sun can be reflected

Well, I must say, climate change can really be a bit of a melting pot when it comes to energy in the atmosphere. But let's unravel this conundrum, shall we?

When it comes to ice, it turns out that decreased ice actually causes less energy to be reflected. So option a. Decreased ice causes less energy to be reflected, is the correct answer.

You see, ice has a shiny and reflective surface, kind of like a disco ball. When there's less ice, the Earth's surface absorbs more sunlight rather than bouncing it back, resulting in a warmer atmosphere. So, it's like that cool friend who never RSVPs to the party and leaves everyone else to deal with the consequences.

So, remember, less ice means more energy absorbed, and that's definitely not a cool situation for our atmosphere.

Climate change affects energy in the atmosphere by decreasing the amount of ice, causing less energy to be reflected. The correct answer is option a.

To determine how climate change affects energy in the atmosphere, we need to consider the role of ice in reflecting energy.

When sunlight reaches the Earth's surface, some of the energy is reflected back into space. Ice, such as Arctic sea ice or glaciers, plays an important role in reflecting solar radiation. This reflected energy helps to regulate the Earth's temperature.

However, climate change is causing a decrease in ice cover, particularly in the polar regions. This loss of ice means that less energy is reflected back into space, leading to the warming of the Earth's surface. Therefore, the correct answer to your question is:

a. Decreased ice causes less energy to be reflected.

When there is less ice due to climate change, more energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface, leading to increasing temperatures and further exacerbating global warming.

Atmosphere and Climate Change Quiz ? 1 -B ( , 2 - A , (3 1- Milankovitch Cycles ,2- Climate has , 4 - A ( 5- 1 oxygen builds up in Earth's atmosphere ,2 the last Ice Age ended ,3 carbon dioxide levels reach their highest levels on record ( 6 - 1 difficult for some species to make shells ,larger concentration carbonic acid, organisms more prone to illness . 2 expansion of ocean volume , melting of glaciers and ice caps , growing difficulty in absorbing carbon dioxide, ( 7- B , ( 8 - C . %100 ( 2/24/2022 )