a plane is flying at an altitude of 23,760 feet. which expression can be used to find the altitude in miles

mi = ft/5280

To find the altitude in miles from feet, we need to convert feet to miles.

1 mile is equal to 5,280 feet.

So, to convert feet to miles, we divide the number of feet by 5,280.

Therefore, the expression to find the altitude in miles is:

Altitude in miles = (Altitude in feet) / 5280

In this case, the altitude is 23,760 feet. Plugging this into the equation, we get:

Altitude in miles = 23,760 / 5280

Simplifying the division, we get:

Altitude in miles = 4.5 miles

To find the altitude in miles, you can use the conversion factor that 1 mile is equal to 5280 feet. Therefore, you'll need to divide the given altitude in feet by 5280 to get the altitude in miles.

The expression that can be used to find the altitude in miles is:

Altitude in miles = Altitude in feet / 5280

So, for an altitude of 23,760 feet:

Altitude in miles = 23760 / 5280
= 4.5 miles

Hence, the plane flying at an altitude of 23,760 feet is approximately 4.5 miles high.