Which of these events first happened first in Jesse's life?

A. He thought of singing at nursery homes.
B. He helped out at the animal shelter.
C. He joined the Key Club's steering committee.
D. He moved to a different city.

who's Jesse?

To determine which event happened first in Jesse's life, we can analyze the given options and look for clues to their chronological order.

Let's break down each event and see if we can determine their sequence:

A. Jesse thought of singing at nursery homes.
This event suggests that Jesse had a thought or idea, but it doesn't provide any information regarding when this idea occurred in relation to the other events.

B. Jesse helped out at the animal shelter.
Similar to the previous event, this event only tells us that Jesse helped out at an animal shelter at some point but doesn't provide a specific time frame.

C. Jesse joined the Key Club's steering committee.
Joining a committee typically requires a level of involvement and commitment, which might suggest that Jesse had some previous experiences or perspectives that led him to join the Key Club's steering committee. This event appears to require more time and personal development than simply thinking about singing at nursery homes or helping out at an animal shelter.

D. Jesse moved to a different city.
Moving to a different city is a significant life event that often represents a major change and suggests Jesse has already established some level of independence. Because moving to a different city usually requires more time and life experience than the other events, it is likely that this event happened after the others.

Based on this analysis, the event that most likely happened first in Jesse's life is A. He thought of singing at nursery homes, as it does not involve the level of personal development or commitment that the other events suggest.