Read the passage from “To Build a Fire,” Part 2.

He started to untie his moccasins. They were coated with ice; the thick German socks were like sheaths of iron half-way to the knees; and the moccasin strings were like rods of steel all twisted and knotted as by some conflagration.

What is the meaning of the similes like sheaths of iron and like rods of steel in this passage?

To Build a Fire, Part 2

A. They show how weak the man’s hands have become.
B. They illustrate how the man is not concerned about the elements battling against him.
C. They illustrate how stiffly the man’s clothing has frozen.
D. They make it seem colder than it really is.

I read the passage it is still kind of confusing could somebody help me understand! I feel like it might be A?

That string is really frozen if he can not bend it.

C. They illustrate how stiffly the man’s clothing has frozen.

it is c

To understand the meaning of the similes in the passage, we need to analyze the descriptions of the moccasins and moccasin strings. The similes used here are "like sheaths of iron" and "like rods of steel."

The first simile, "like sheaths of iron," suggests that the thick German socks were so rigid and inflexible that they resembled protective covers made of iron. The comparison emphasizes the stiffness and heaviness of the socks, implying that they were difficult to move in.

The second simile, "like rods of steel all twisted and knotted," further reinforces the idea of rigidity and stiffness. Here, the moccasin strings are compared to twisted and knotted steel rods, implying that they were frozen solid and unyielding, possibly due to being coated with ice.

Now, let's consider the answer options:

A. They show how weak the man's hands have become: This answer option does not align with the similes provided. The similes are focused on the stiffness and inflexibility of the clothing, not the condition of the man's hands.

B. They illustrate how the man is not concerned about the elements battling against him: This answer option is not directly supported by the similes. The similes describe the clothing, not the man's attitude or concern towards the elements.

C. They illustrate how stiffly the man's clothing has frozen: This answer option accurately captures the meaning conveyed by the similes. The similes emphasize the rigid, solidified state of the clothing, indicating that it has frozen stiff.

D. They make it seem colder than it really is: This answer option is not supported by the similes. The similes focus on the physical attributes of the clothing rather than creating a perception of coldness.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. They illustrate how stiffly the man's clothing has frozen.

I feel like it’s A

i dont know i need the answer for a test plssss