does anyone know how to terminate a java program when the user input the wrong answer after x amount of tries


You can return an exit code to indicate failure.

google can provide you with code snippets for almost whatever you want to do. You can be sure that someone has done it, and posted it. Also, the java documentation is excellent.

ok thank you oobleck

Yes, it is possible to terminate a Java program when the user inputs the wrong answer after a certain number of tries. Here's an example code snippet to demonstrate how it can be done:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Program {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int maxTries = 3; // maximum number of tries
int tries = 0; // initial number of tries

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

while (tries < maxTries) {
System.out.print("Enter the correct answer: ");
String userInput = scanner.nextLine();

// Check if the user input is correct
if (userInput.equals("correct answer")) {
System.out.println("Correct answer!");
break; // Exit the loop if the answer is correct
} else {
tries++; // Increment the number of tries

// Check if the maximum number of tries has been reached
if (tries == maxTries) {
System.out.println("Max tries reached. Terminating program.");
System.exit(0); // Terminate the program
} else {
System.out.println("Wrong answer. Please try again.");

In this example, we have a `maxTries` variable that determines the maximum number of tries allowed. The `tries` variable keeps track of the current number of tries. We use a `while` loop to repeatedly prompt the user for input until they reach the maximum number of tries or they provide the correct answer.

Inside the loop, we compare the user's input with the correct answer. If it matches, we print a success message and exit the loop using the `break` statement.

If the user provides an incorrect answer, we increment the `tries` variable. We then check if the maximum number of tries (`maxTries`) has been reached. If it has, we print a message and terminate the program using `System.exit(0)`. Otherwise, we print an error message and continue with the loop, prompting the user for input again.

Remember to replace `"correct answer"` in the code with the actual correct answer you want to compare against.