Pleaase help me fast!!

explain your answer in steps plz
Stephen read a 90-page book in 6 days. If he continues reading at that rate, how long will it take him to read a 300-page book?

I set up a simple ratio

he can read 90 pages in 6 days,
so he can read 15 pages per day

so the number of days for 300 pages is
300/15 or 20 days

So i will write down that he 15 pages per day so its the same as 90 pages in six days so now the number of days is 20 days or 300/15 days?

By the way thanku

90/6 = 300/n

90n = 1800
n = ....

90pages/15days =6 pages/day.

6 * d = 300,
d = 50 days.


To find out how long it will take Stephen to read a 300-page book, we can use the concept of ratios. We know that he read a 90-page book in 6 days.

Step 1: Determine the reading rate
To find the reading rate, we divide the number of pages by the number of days it took to read it:
Reading rate = 90 pages / 6 days = 15 pages per day

Step 2: Apply the reading rate to the 300-page book
To find out how long it will take to read a 300-page book using the same reading rate, we divide the number of pages by the reading rate:
Time to read = 300 pages / 15 pages per day = 20 days

Therefore, it will take Stephen 20 days to read a 300-page book if he continues to read at the same rate he did for the 90-page book.

I am sorry I dont get it how?