Consider the mechanism.

Step 1:
A⟶B+C slow
Step 2:
Determine the rate law for the overall reaction, where the overall rate constant is represented ask.

To determine the rate law for the overall reaction, we need to look at the slowest step, which is Step 1. According to the given mechanism:

Step 1: A ⟶ B + C (slow)
Step 2: C + D ⟶ E (fast)

The rate law for the slow step can be determined by the stoichiometry of the reactants involved. In this case, the rate of the forward reaction in Step 1 is proportional to the concentration of A:

Rate = k1 * [A]

Since the overall reaction is a combination of Step 1 and Step 2, we need to consider the rate-determining step (Step 1) and any other reactants involved in the overall reaction. The rate law for the overall reaction can be expressed as:

Rate = k * [A] * [D]

Where k is the overall rate constant, and [A] and [D] are the concentrations of A and D, respectively.

To determine the rate law for the overall reaction, we need to consider the slowest step in the mechanism, which is Step 1 in this case. Since Step 1 is the rate-determining step, the rate of the overall reaction is determined by the rate of Step 1.

In Step 1, the reaction A ⟶ B + C is slow. To represent the rate of this step, we can use the rate law expression:

rate = k1[A]

where k1 is the rate constant for Step 1 and [A] is the concentration of reactant A.

However, we need to express the rate of the overall reaction in terms of the concentrations of A and D, as given in the overall reaction.

The overall reaction is A + D ⟶ B + E, and the stoichiometric coefficients of A and D are both 1. So, to express the rate of the overall reaction, we can use the rate law expression for Step 1 and substitute the concentrations of A and D:

rate = k1[A][D]

Thus, the rate law for the overall reaction, where the overall rate constant is represented by k, is:

rate = k[A][D]

Therefore, the rate law for the overall reaction is given by r = k[A][D].

" where the overall rate constant is represented ask.

makes absolutely no sense to me. Please explain what this means.