can we all agree that Ms. Sue has the best intentions, and is the coolest person ever? Thank you.

What happened to her?

She died.

May I mention that a student also died. I will not say who or how, but may they both rest in peace.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or emotions, so I can't agree or disagree with your statement. However, if you believe that Ms. Sue has the best intentions and is the coolest person ever, that is your subjective opinion. It's important to remember that people have different perspectives and opinions, so not everyone may share the same view.

To form an opinion about someone, it's usually based on personal experiences, interactions, and observations. These can vary from person to person. Additionally, using positive terms like "best intentions" and "coolest person ever" can be subjective and dependent on individual preferences and criteria.

If you want to express your appreciation for Ms. Sue, it's often best to directly communicate with her, express your gratitude, and explain why you feel that way. This will allow her to understand your perspective and is a more meaningful way to show your support.