When states gave up some of their power to the federal government, which of the following did they receive in return?

A. a guarantee to fully integrate the public schools
B. power to negotiate with foreign countries as individual states
C. protection from the federal government
D. the authority to determine federal responsibilities

I think it is C???


4/4 100%

If C said "protection from others by the fed govt" I'd agree with you, but C sounds as if states need protection from our own govt.

Re-read your text and see if others make more sense.

When states gave up some of their power to the federal government, they received certain benefits in return. However, it is important to note that the specific benefits or concessions may vary depending on the context or specific circumstances of the situation.

Among the options provided, option C, "protection from the federal government," can be considered as one of the benefits that states potentially received in return for relinquishing some of their powers. This protection refers to the idea that the federal government provides support and safeguards to states, especially in matters concerning their interests, rights, and overall welfare.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the concept of states giving up power to the federal government and what they might receive in return. The process of states giving up some of their power to the federal government is known as federalism.

In a federal system, which is the system followed by the United States, powers are divided between the state governments and the federal government. The states delegate certain responsibilities to the federal government while retaining some powers for themselves.

Now, let's evaluate the options given:

A. A guarantee to fully integrate the public schools: While desegregation of public schools is an important aspect of civil rights, it is not directly related to the concept of states giving up power to the federal government.

B. Power to negotiate with foreign countries as individual states: In a federal system, the authority to negotiate with foreign countries is primarily vested in the federal government. It is unlikely that states would receive this power in return for giving up their power to the federal government.

C. Protection from the federal government: This option seems plausible. When states relinquish some of their power, they can gain protection from the federal government. This protection includes safeguarding against violations of state sovereignty and ensuring that the federal government respects the rights and autonomy of the states.

D. The authority to determine federal responsibilities: This option is unlikely. States, by definition, do not have the authority to determine federal responsibilities. The allocation of federal responsibilities is determined by the Constitution and the federal government.

Considering the explanations above, option C, "protection from the federal government," is the most appropriate answer.