A baker mixes 214 pounds of sugar for every 38 pounds of butter to begin making the frosting. The baker uses 357 pounds of butter and sugar to start the frosting. How much sugar does the baker use?

214+38 = 252

so, she uses (357/252)*214 = ____ lbs of sugar

or, as a proportion,
214/(214+38) = x/357

So the answer in 306?

OMG thank you so much!

To find how much sugar the baker uses, we can set up a proportion based on the ratio of sugar to butter.

The given ratio is 214 pounds of sugar for every 38 pounds of butter. Let's represent this as:

214 pounds of sugar / 38 pounds of butter

Now, we need to find the amount of sugar for 357 pounds of butter. We can set up the same ratio using x as the unknown amount of sugar:

x pounds of sugar / 357 pounds of butter

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and solve the equation:

214 pounds of sugar * 357 pounds of butter = 38 pounds of butter * x pounds of sugar

76598 pounds of sugar = 38x

Divide both sides of the equation by 38 to isolate x:

76598 pounds of sugar / 38 = x

x = 2015.73 pounds (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the baker will use approximately 2015.73 pounds of sugar for the frosting.