Which of the following happens during a lunar eclipse?

A. The moon lies between Earth and the sun.
B. Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon’s surface.
C. The moon blocks out the sun.
D. The moon goes into the new moon phase.
I think it is C or A. Please help :)

C and A describe a solar eclipse

two more choices ...

so maybe B

ill just go with B then

its a

ITS A!!!

During a lunar eclipse, the correct option is B. Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon's surface.

To understand why, let's break down the options:

A. The moon lies between Earth and the sun: This describes a solar eclipse, not a lunar eclipse. During a solar eclipse, the moon passes between Earth and the sun, causing the sun to be blocked partially or completely.

B. Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon's surface: This is the correct answer for a lunar eclipse. During a lunar eclipse, the Earth comes between the sun and the moon. The Earth's shadow falls on the moon, blocking sunlight from directly reaching the moon's surface.

C. The moon blocks out the sun: This describes a solar eclipse, not a lunar eclipse. As mentioned earlier, during a solar eclipse, the moon blocks the sun from view by passing directly between the sun and Earth.

D. The moon goes into the new moon phase: The new moon phase occurs when the moon is positioned between the Earth and the sun, and the sunlit side of the moon faces away from Earth. This phase is not specific to lunar eclipses.

In conclusion, during a lunar eclipse, Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon's surface.