Solve for b:

A = 1/2(a + b)h

I know that I posted this question last week or something, I couldn't find it so I am reposting this question again.

geez, and you didn't solve it during that time?

I saw at least one response which did it, so here it is
A = (a+b)h/2
2A = (a+b)h
2A = ah + bh
2A - ah = bh
(2A-ah)/h = b

how did you get 2A

He multiplied both sides by 2 to get rid of the 2 in the denominator.

To solve for b, we can start by isolating the variable b in the equation.

Given equation: A = 1/2(a + b)h

Let's rearrange the equation to isolate b:
2A = (a + b)h

Now, divide both sides of the equation by h:
2A/h = a + b

Next, subtract a from both sides of the equation:
2A/h - a = b

So the equation to solve for b is:
b = 2A/h - a