name the polynomial based on its degree and number of terms

5x^4 + 9x - 5

is it degree 4, terms 3, and quadratic trinomial?

thank you

A quadratic trinomial would have an exponent of 2, not 4

It is a quartic trinomial

No, the polynomial 5x^4 + 9x - 5 is not a quadratic trinomial. Instead, it is a quartic polynomial or a polynomial of degree 4. The term "quadratic trinomial" refers to a polynomial with three terms and a degree of 2 (quadratic degree). Additionally, the polynomial 5x^4 + 9x - 5 has three terms, not two, since it consists of three separate parts: 5x^4, 9x, and -5. So, to summarize, the polynomial 5x^4 + 9x - 5 has a degree of 4, three terms, and is a quartic polynomial.

The polynomial 5x^4 + 9x - 5 has a degree of 4, because the highest exponent in the polynomial is 4. It has 3 terms, which are 5x^4, 9x, and -5. It is not a quadratic trinomial, but a quartic polynomial.