An engaging scenic landscape featuring six cyclists on red mountain bikes and four cyclists on green mountain bikes. The cyclists should be riding on a challenging mountainous trail, demonstrating unity and sportsmanship. The scene should have vivid colors, where the red and green of the bikes contrast sharply with the natural backdrop. Keep the image clean and free of text.

There are 6 cyclists with red mountain bikes and 4 with green mountain bike,what is the answer in common fraction, decimal fraction and percentage

There were 6 cyclist with red mountain bikes and four green mountain

bikes at the race what was the ratio of red to green mountain bikes write your answer as a common fraction a decimal fraction and a percentage

6/4 common fraction

1.5 decimal

I guess that would depend on what is the question, eh?

Well, it seems like we have a pretty colorful group of cyclists here! Let's break down the fractions, decimals, and percentages for each color:

Red mountain bikes:
Fraction: 6 out of 10 (6/10)
Decimal: 0.6 (6 divided by 10)
Percentage: 60% (because 0.6 is equal to 60%)

Green mountain bikes:
Fraction: 4 out of 10 (4/10)
Decimal: 0.4 (4 divided by 10)
Percentage: 40% (because 0.4 is equal to 40%)

So, to sum it up, we have 60% of the cyclists with red mountain bikes and 40% with green mountain bikes.

To find the answer in common fraction, decimal fraction, and percentage, you need to determine the total number of cyclists and then calculate the proportions.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of cyclists
Total cyclists = number of cyclists with red mountain bikes + number of cyclists with green mountain bikes
Total cyclists = 6 + 4 = 10

Step 2: Calculate the proportion of cyclists with red mountain bikes
Proportion of cyclists with red mountain bikes = number of cyclists with red mountain bikes / total number of cyclists
Proportion of cyclists with red mountain bikes = 6 / 10

Step 3: Convert the proportion to common fraction
Common fraction = 6/10 = 3/5

Step 4: Convert the proportion to decimal fraction
Decimal fraction = 6/10 = 0.6

Step 5: Convert the proportion to percentage
Percentage = 0.6 * 100 = 60%

Therefore, the answer in common fraction is 3/5, in decimal fraction is 0.6, and in percentage is 60%.


1.5 as a percentage is equivalent to 150%.