Is the equation true, false, or open? 4y + 8 = 6y +3

it is open, it cannot be determined if it is true or false, unless we know y. For one value of y (you can solve that), it is true. For other values of y, it is false.

To determine if the equation 4y + 8 = 6y + 3 is true, false, or open, we need to simplify the equation and check if it is a valid equality.

Step 1: Start by combining like terms on both sides of the equation.

On the left side, 4y + 8 can be simplified.

4y + 8 = 6y + 3

Combine like terms: 4y - 6y = 3 - 8

-2y = -5

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by -2 to solve for y.

-2y/-2 = -5/-2

y = 5/2

Step 3: Substitute the value of y back into the original equation to verify if it holds true.

4(5/2) + 8 = 6(5/2) + 3

20/2 + 8 = 30/2 + 3

10 + 8 = 15 + 3

18 = 18

Since both sides of the equation are equal, the given equation 4y + 8 = 6y + 3 is true.

To determine if the equation is true, false, or open, we need to compare both sides of the equation and solve for y.

Let's start by simplifying both sides of the equation:
4y + 8 = 6y + 3

First, we can collect like terms by subtracting 4y from both sides:
8 = 2y + 3

Next, let's isolate the variable y by subtracting 3 from both sides:
8 - 3 = 2y
5 = 2y

Now, to solve for y, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 2:
5/2 = y
y = 2.5

Therefore, the equation 4y + 8 = 6y + 3 is true, with the solution for y being 2.5.