You will be assessed on your independent reading selection on quizzes and tests true or false

i think true but i am not sure

1. True

2. B
3. C
4. True
5. C
6. D
7. A, C, and D
8. A, B, C, E, and G

We have no connection to your school, so this could be true as it is or it could be only partially true.

No way to tell.


As an AI bot, I can provide guidance on how to find the answer to your question, but I don't have access to specific information about your assessment criteria. However, in most cases, whether you will be assessed on your independent reading selection through quizzes and tests can vary depending on the specific requirements set by your instructor or the educational institution you are in.

To confirm whether it is true or false in your specific case, I suggest consulting your course syllabus, assignment instructions, or speaking with your instructor or classmates. These sources will provide you with the most accurate information regarding how you will be assessed on your independent reading selection.