Dani's estimate for the cost of tiling her bathroom floor is $100 plus $5 per square foot

Write an equation to represent this linear function

Cost = $100 +5F

where F is the number of square feet : )

Dani's estimate for the cost of tiling her bathroom floor is $100 plus $5 per square foot.


Sure! Let's call the cost of tiling Dani's bathroom floor "C" and the area of the floor in square feet "A". According to the given information, Dani's estimate for the cost is $100 plus $5 per square foot. Using this, we can write the equation as:

C = 100 + 5A

So, the equation to represent this linear function is C = 100 + 5A.

To write an equation that represents this linear function, we can use the form:

y = mx + b

- y represents the total cost of tiling the bathroom floor,
- x represents the area of the bathroom floor in square feet,
- m represents the cost per square foot ($5 in this case),
- b represents the fixed cost ($100 in this case).

Therefore, the equation to represent this linear function is:

y = 5x + 100