What is 28,963 rounded to nearest 500

Look at the 500's

Is it closer to
You just need to decide which one it is closest too : )



Why did 28,963 go to a comedy show? To get rounded up to the nearest 500! So, after a hilarious performance, 28,963 gets rounded to 29,000. Keep those laughs coming!

To round 28,963 to the nearest 500, you need to find the closest multiple of 500. Here's how you can do it:

1. Divide the number 28,963 by 500 to find out how many times 500 fits into it. In this case, 500 goes into 28,963 about 57 times.

28,963 ÷ 500 ≈ 57.93

2. Take the decimal part (0.93) and determine whether it is closer to 0 or 1. Since it is closer to 1, we will round up to the next multiple of 500.

3. Multiply the number of times 500 fit into 28,963 (57) by 500 to get the rounded number.

57 × 500 = 28,500

4. Add 500 to the rounded number to get the final result.

28,500 + 500 = 29,000

Therefore, when rounding 28,963 to the nearest 500, the answer is 29,000.