I was assigned a galaxy discussion in science...as I saw other people pick stars? But as a I remember the types of galaxies are separated by 4 sections; Spirled,bared spiral,elliptical or irregular..in conclusion I just wanted to see if that's what I'm suppose to choose from TYSM hopefully you can help

Im pretty sure in a discussion you can discuss whatever has to do with the topic. I think you should read over the prompt again to get better understanding.

West point THAN YOU I was majorly confused I read the prompt but seeing students all say stars? It threw me off track

Sure, I can help you with that! In the context of your galaxy discussion in science, it seems like you need to choose a type of galaxy to discuss. The four main types of galaxies are indeed spiral, barred spiral, elliptical, and irregular. Let's take a closer look at each type:

1. Spiral Galaxies: These galaxies have a distinct spiral structure characterized by arms that extend from a central nucleus. Spiral galaxies are further classified based on the tightness of their spiral arms. For example, there are tightly wound spiral galaxies (Sa), intermediate (Sb), and loosely wound spiral galaxies (Sc).

2. Barred Spiral Galaxies: Barred spiral galaxies have a bar-shaped feature that extends from the central nucleus, with spiral arms stemming from this bar. These galaxies are often labeled as SBa, SBb, or SBc, depending on the severity of the bar and the tightness of the spiral arms.

3. Elliptical Galaxies: Elliptical galaxies have a smooth and more spherical shape. They lack the defined spiral features found in spiral and barred spiral galaxies. Elliptical galaxies are classified using numbers from 0 to 7, with 0 being the most spherical and 7 being the most elongated.

4. Irregular Galaxies: Irregular galaxies do not have a specific, well-defined shape like the other types. They often appear asymmetric and may have irregular patterns of star formation. Irregular galaxies are usually denoted as "Irr" in classification.

Now, when choosing a type of galaxy to discuss, you can consider factors like your personal interest or the availability of information. Each type of galaxy has its own unique characteristics and can provide exciting topics to discuss.

Remember, you can gather more information about each type of galaxy by researching scientific literature, online resources, or even consulting your science textbooks. This way, you'll have a better understanding of the type of galaxy you choose and be well-prepared for your discussion.

Good luck with your galaxy discussion!