Was the Civil War about claiming land? I just wanted to know for a report, google is not suitible for this question

No, not for claiming land unless you mean returning the Southern states to the Union — to make the US whole again.


I could make a kind of round about claim that it was partly for claiming western lands as free or slave states, but there are more obvious causes.

No, the Civil War in the United States was not primarily about claiming land. The Civil War, which took place from 1861 to 1865, was a major conflict fought between the Northern states (the Union) and the Southern states (the Confederacy). The primary cause of the war was the issue of slavery and its expansion into new territories.

To understand the reasons behind the Civil War, it is important to conduct thorough research. While Google may not always be reliable, there are other credible sources that can provide valuable information. Here are some steps you can take to find reliable sources for your report:

1. Utilize academic databases: Access scholarly databases such as JSTOR, Academic Search Premier, or ProQuest to find articles, books, and academic papers related to the topic. These resources often provide in-depth analysis and historical perspectives.

2. Visit your local library: Libraries have a wealth of resources, such as books, journals, and databases specific to historical research. Speak to a librarian who can guide you towards relevant sources.

3. Consult academic books: Look for well-regarded books written by respected historians on the subject of the Civil War. These books often offer comprehensive accounts and interpretations of the events.

4. Use university websites: Universities often have dedicated departments or centers focused on historical studies. Many of these departments maintain websites with resources, publications, and recommended readings.

5. Check credible online historical archives: Websites like The Library of Congress, The National Archives, or Digital Public Library of America offer access to primary source documents, photographs, and other valuable materials.

By utilizing these sources, you can gain a well-rounded understanding of the causes, events, and lasting impact of the Civil War. It is essential to verify the credibility and authority of the sources you use to ensure accurate and reliable information for your report.