The length of a puppy on a scale drawing is 6 cm. If the scale is 1:9 cm, what is the actual length of the puppy?

I don’t understand the lesson can someone please explain it to me?


These are the correct answers.

since the scale is 1:9 real-life sizes are 9 times as big as the drawing sizes.

So, what is 9*6 ?

By the way, there are no units on scales. It is just 1:9
If you use units, it is because they are different, as in 1cm : 4 in

No, the answer is 54 cm

9 * 6cm = 54cm, not just 54

I need answers

shjkashflk is correct 100%

but this is the practice test not the quick check- so it wont be worth anything on your grade :/

Ok thank you!

So the answer is 54 right?