write a unit rate for the situation.round to the nearest hundreth if nesccesary

traviling 426 miles in 7 hours

my answer is 85.2/hour

you should check your calculations

60.86 mi./hr

To find the unit rate, you divide the total number of miles by the total number of hours.

In this case, the unit rate would be:

426 miles / 7 hours = 60.857 miles per hour (rounded to the nearest hundredth).

So, the unit rate for this situation would be approximately 60.86 miles per hour.

To find the unit rate in this situation, you would divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

In this case, the total distance traveled is 426 miles, and the total time taken is 7 hours.

So, to find the unit rate, you would divide 426 miles by 7 hours:

426 miles / 7 hours = 60.86 miles/hour

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the unit rate is approximately 60.86 miles/hour.