Roxanne has 1/2 as many beads as Sherie. The number of beads Sherie has is 4/5 that of Marcos. Marcos has 165 beads. how many more beads does Marcos have than Roxanne?

R = .5 S

S = .8 M
M = 165

R = .5(.8M) = .4 M = .4 * 165 = 66
165 - 66 = ???

It also can do like this:

R = Roxanne´s beads

S = Sherie´s beads

M= Marcos has 165 beads.

Marcos has 165 beads means:

M = 165

Sherie has is 4 / 5 that of Marcos means:

S = 4 M / 5

Roxanne has 1 / 2 as many beads as Sherie means:

R = S / 2 = ( 4 M / 5 ) / 2 = 4 M / 5 * 2 = 4 M / 10

Sifference beetven Marcos has 165 beads and Roxanne´s beads:

d = M - R = M - 4 M / 10 = 10 M / 10 - 4 M / 10 = 6 M / 10 =

2 * 3 * M / 2 * 5 = 3 M / 5 = 3 * 165 / 5 = 495 / 5 = 99

Marcos have 99 more beads than Roxanne.


M = 165

S = 4 M / 5 = 4 * 165 / 5 = 660 / 5 = 132

R = S / 2 = 132 / 2 = 66

M - R = 165 - 66 = 99

To find out how many more beads Marcos has than Roxanne, we need to determine the number of beads for each person and then find the difference between Marcos and Roxanne.

1. First, let's find out how many beads Sherie has. We know that Sherie has 4/5 as many beads as Marcos, who has 165 beads.
So, Sherie has 4/5 * 165 = 132 beads.

2. Next, let's determine the number of beads Roxanne has. We know that Roxanne has 1/2 as many beads as Sherie.
So, Roxanne has 1/2 * 132 = 66 beads.

3. To find the difference between the number of beads Marcos and Roxanne have, we subtract the number of beads Roxanne has from the number of beads Marcos has.
Marcos has 165 beads, while Roxanne has 66 beads.
Therefore, the difference is 165 - 66 = 99 beads.

Therefore, Marcos has 99 more beads than Roxanne.

To find out how many more beads Marcos has than Roxanne, we first need to determine the number of beads Roxanne has.

Given that Roxanne has half as many beads as Sherie, we can calculate this by taking half of Sherie's bead count. To find Sherie's number of beads, we can calculate it as a fraction of Marcos' bead count.

Marcos has 165 beads, and Sherie has 4/5 of that amount, so Sherie has: (4/5) * 165 = 4 * 165 / 5 = 660 / 5 = 132 beads.

Now that we know Sherie has 132 beads, we can find out how many beads Roxanne has. Since Roxanne has half as many beads as Sherie, we divide Sherie's bead count by 2:

132 / 2 = 66 beads.

Therefore, Roxanne has 66 beads.

To find out how many more beads Marcos has than Roxanne, we subtract Roxanne's bead count from Marcos' bead count:

Marcos' bead count - Roxanne's bead count = 165 - 66 = 99 beads.

Therefore, Marcos has 99 more beads than Roxanne.