Does maths lit ?life science,geography and history they can help me to become a lawyer?

everything can help, but you'll probably need more than just those subjects.

Yes, studying subjects like Mathematics Literacy, Life Science, Geography, and History can definitely help you in pursuing a career as a lawyer. While the field of law primarily involves understanding and applying legal concepts, having a strong foundation in other subjects can provide you with additional skills and knowledge that can be beneficial in your legal profession. Here's how each subject can contribute:

1. Mathematics Literacy: Though not as mathematically intensive as Mathematics, Mathematics Literacy still involves critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These skills are crucial for analyzing legal cases, understanding statistical data, and applying logical reasoning in legal arguments.

2. Life Science: While not directly related to law, Life Science can develop your understanding of scientific concepts and the ability to analyze complex information. This can be useful when dealing with legal cases involving medical or scientific evidence, such as in cases involving health-related matters or forensic science.

3. Geography: Geography studies can enhance your understanding of the physical environment, cultures, and societies. This knowledge is valuable for a lawyer, especially in cases involving land disputes, environmental regulations, international law, or immigration.

4. History: Studying history provides insights into past legal systems and precedents, which can shape current legal practices. It also helps you develop critical analysis skills, an understanding of societal changes over time, and the ability to interpret and apply legal precedents.

Although these subjects can help you develop skills and knowledge that are relevant to a legal career, it's important to note that to become a lawyer, you would typically need to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Law (LLB) or a related field, followed by completing a law degree, and finally passing the bar examination or other legal qualification tests in your jurisdiction.