Check my Spanish please!

De niña yo era bien educada. Yo solía jugar con mi hermana en el bosque. No iba a la guardería infantil, pero iba a la casa de mi tía cuando mis mamás trabajaban. Yo jugaba con las muñecas y bloques. Mis amigos y yo jugamos mucho en el patio de recreo, lo cual disfruté.

It needs to have:
At least two appropriate uses of indirect object pronouns
At least four appropriate uses of the imperfect tense (two regular verbs, two irregular verbs)

Thank you!

Jiskha doesn't have a Spanish tutor anymore. Sorry. =(

De niña era bien educada. Solía jugar con mi hermana en el bosque. No iba a la guardería infantil, pero iba a la casa de mi tía cuando mis mamás trabajaban. Jugaba con las muñecas y bloques. Mis amigos y yo jugábamos mucho en el patio de recreo, lo cual disfrutaba.

To check if your Spanish text meets the requirements, let's analyze the two requested elements: indirect object pronouns and the imperfect tense.

1. Indirect Object Pronouns:
- In the sentence "iba a la casa de mi tía cuando mis mamás trabajaban," the indirect object pronoun is "mi tía." It represents the person receiving the action of going to her house.
- In the sentence "jugaba con las muñecas y bloques," there is no indirect object pronoun.

Since you have only one correct example of using an indirect object pronoun, the text does not meet the requirement of having at least two appropriate uses.

2. Imperfect Tense:
- In the sentence "De niña era bien educada," the verb "ser" is in the imperfect tense, which is "era."
- In the sentence "Solía jugar con mi hermana en el bosque," the verb "jugar" is in the imperfect tense, which is "solía."
- In the sentence "No iba a la guardería infantil, pero iba a la casa de mi tía cuando mis mamás trabajaban," both instances of "ir" are in the imperfect tense, which are "iba."
- In the sentence "Mis amigos y yo jugábamos mucho en el patio de recreo, lo cual disfrutaba," the verb "jugar" is again in the imperfect tense, which is "jugábamos," but there is no irregular verb used in the text.

You have four appropriate uses of the imperfect tense, meeting the requirement. However, there are no irregular verbs in the text as requested.

In summary, your text meets the requirement for using the imperfect tense but does not meet the requirement for using at least two indirect object pronouns.