The science that studies population distribution and change is called

1. demography.
2. geography.
3. economy.
4. sociology.

yes! thank you

And you think it’s ... ?

1. demography.


You’re welcome!

The correct answer is 1. demography.

Demography is the scientific study of human populations, especially in terms of their size, structure, distribution, and changes over time. It involves analyzing various factors such as birth rates, death rates, migration patterns, and other demographic processes that influence population dynamics.

To find the answer to this question, you can use various methods.

1. General knowledge: If you are familiar with different branches of science, you might already know that demography is the field that studies population distribution and change.

2. Online search: You can use a search engine to look up the definitions and descriptions of the different sciences mentioned in the question. By doing so, you will find that demography specifically deals with population distribution and change.

3. Consult academic sources: You can refer to textbooks, academic journals, or reliable online sources that specialize in demography, geography, economy, and sociology. These sources will provide detailed information about the specific focus of each discipline, allowing you to determine which one is the science that studies population distribution and change.

By using these methods, you will be able to confidently determine that the correct answer is 1. demography.