Dear Jiskha,

Please share some examples I should write about like
Cat vs Dogs
Dogs vs Birds

Those are just a few examples I chose NOT to write about.
Any else that may be adrenalizing and catch my teachers attention?

Yours truly,

Thank you, Ms. Writeacher, but that's not what I meant. It still helped though!

We have no pre-written papers to hand over to anyone! And those topics sound more like comparison/contrast than argument. Anyway …

However, if you go to and click on Convince, you'll find good directions for writing argumentative essays.

Also these:

Dear Morningfrost,

When it comes to choosing topics that are both stimulating and attention-grabbing for your teacher, it's important to consider subjects with a unique perspective or controversial nature. Here are a few examples to inspire your writing:

1. Nature vs. Nurture: This topic explores the debate about whether our behaviors and traits are primarily influenced by genetics (nature) or our environment and upbringing (nurture). You can discuss how this debate impacts various aspects of life, such as personality development or career choices.

2. Social Media Impact: With the advent of social media, our lives have been significantly influenced. You can delve into the positive and negative effects of social media on society, mental health, relationships, or even political events. Consider discussing how social media has reshaped communication and identity formation, or investigate the impact of online bullying and the spread of misinformation.

3. Artificial Intelligence: This topic examines the implications and challenges of artificial intelligence in our modern world. You can discuss its potential benefits, such as advancements in healthcare or automation, while also exploring concerns about job displacement, privacy, and ethical considerations.

4. Climate Change and its Consequences: Climate change is an urgent global issue that affects various aspects of our lives. You can write about the consequences of climate change, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, or the loss of biodiversity. Additionally, you can emphasize the importance of taking action and propose potential solutions to mitigate its effects.

5. Gender Equality: Gender equality has been a significant social and political concern for a long time. You can discuss the progress made so far, remaining challenges, and how gender equality impacts education, employment, or personal relationships. You may also want to explore intersectionality, addressing how different identities (race, class, or sexuality) impact gender equality.

Remember, the key to making your topic captivating lies in presenting a clear argument, providing evidence, and considering potential counter-arguments. Good luck with your writing!

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