What is the meaning of a text that is something other than, or beyond, its literal meaning?

denotative meaning
explicit meaning**
figurative meaning
literary meaning

explicit meaning

I actually believe it's figurative.

yeah its figurative

The meaning of a text that goes beyond its literal meaning is commonly referred to as its "figurative meaning." Figurative language is a tool used by writers to express ideas in a creative and imaginative way. It involves the use of metaphors, similes, personification, and other literary devices to convey deeper meanings and evoke emotions in readers.

To identify the figurative meaning of a text, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the text carefully: Start by understanding the literal or surface-level meaning of the text. This refers to what is explicitly stated by the words themselves.

2. Look for figurative language: Pay attention to any metaphors, similes, personification, or other literary devices used in the text. These devices often indicate that the text has a figurative meaning.

3. Analyze the context: Consider the broader context of the text, including the surrounding paragraphs or the entire work. This can provide clues about the author's intended figurative meaning.

4. Consider the emotional and symbolic elements: Think about the emotions, images, or symbols the text conveys. These elements often point to a deeper, figurative meaning beyond the literal interpretation.

5. Reflect on the author's purpose: Consider why the author might have chosen to use figurative language. Writers often employ this technique to add depth, create a certain mood, or communicate complex ideas.

By following these steps and paying close attention to the use of figurative language and the overall message conveyed, you can uncover the figurative meaning of a text.

literary meaning

You've chosen the opposite of what the question is asking.