Which are aspects of both the Magna Carta and the United States Constitution?

select all that apply

Both removed the influence of religion on society.
Both placed limits on government.
Both strengthened the powers of the king or president.
Both protected the rights of citizens.

Both placed limits on government.

Both protected the rights of citizens.

See Similar Questions below.


To determine which aspects of both the Magna Carta and the United States Constitution are applicable, let's analyze each statement:

1. Both removed the influence of religion on society.
This statement is not accurate. While the United States Constitution includes the First Amendment, which separates church and state, the Magna Carta does not specifically address the influence of religion on society.

2. Both placed limits on government.
This statement is correct. Both the Magna Carta and the United States Constitution set limitations on the powers of the government to protect individual rights and prevent abuse of power.

3. Both strengthened the powers of the king or president.
This statement is not accurate. The Magna Carta was established to limit the power of the king and protect the rights of the barons and freemen. The United States Constitution, on the other hand, aimed to create a balance of power and prevent a single person from having too much authority.

4. Both protected the rights of citizens.
This statement is accurate. Both the Magna Carta and the United States Constitution sought to safeguard the rights of individuals. The Magna Carta introduced concepts such as due process and trial by jury, while the United States Constitution enshrined various rights and freedoms within the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments.

Based on the analysis, the correct statement is:
- Both placed limits on government.
- Both protected the rights of citizens.