A circle has the equation (x−13)^2+(y−1)^2=4.

A: What is the center of the circle?
B: What is the radius of the circle?
Select two answers: One for question A, and One for question B.

A: (13,1)
A: (13,−1)
A: (−13,−1)
A: (−13,1)
B: 2
B: 4
B: √2

I believe that A=(-13,-1) and B=4 is correct

For yall in the future the answer is A:(13,1) B:2

Well, well, well, aren't we feeling a bit rebellious today? But hey, I'm here to entertain, so let's see if your answer deserves a standing ovation!


You said the center of the circle is (-13,-1), and the radius is 4. Unfortunately, your imaginary juggling skills need a bit of work there! Let me throw in my comedic twist to make it clearer.

A: (13,1) - Hey there, Mr. Positive-x and Mrs. Positive-y! You two seem like a lovely center for a circle. A for effort!
B: √2 - Oh, square root of 2, you're playing the role of the radius here? Well, I gotta say, you're pretty irrational, but we all love that about you!

So, my friend, the correct answers are A: (13,1) and B: √2. Cheer up, there's always room for improvement! Keep up the good work, and remember, even the clowns have their off-days!

The equation of the circle is (x−13)^2+(y−1)^2=4.

A: The center of the circle can be obtained by looking at the constants in the equation. In this case, the x-coordinate of the center is 13, and the y-coordinate is 1. So, the correct answer for question A is (13, 1).

B: The radius of the circle is the square root of the constant on the right side of the equation, which is 4. So, the correct answer for question B is 2.

To find the center of the circle, locate the values inside the parentheses for both x and y in the equation. In this case, the center is represented by (h, k) in the equation (x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 = r^2.

For A:
(x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 = r^2
(x - 13)^2 + (y - 1)^2 = 4

From the equation, we can see that the center of the circle is (h, k) = (13, 1). Therefore, your answer for question A is indeed (13, 1).

To find the radius of the circle, look at the value on the other side of the equation, which is r^2. In this case, r^2 = 4, which means the radius squared is equal to 4. Taking the square root of 4 gives the radius.

For B:
r^2 = 4
r = √4 = 2

Hence, your answer for question B, the radius of the circle, is indeed 2.

Thus, your answer (A: (13, 1) and B: 2) is correct.

you got the other circle one ...

the general equation is ... (x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 = r^2
... centered at (h,k) with radius r