A writer decides to make an emotional appeal in an essay to persuade the audience of his or her opinion?

A. a touching story
B. historical facts
C. expert opinions
D. scientific evidence (this one?)
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emotional appeal

= touching story

Oh okay.Thank you!!

To determine which option is the most effective for making an emotional appeal in an essay, let's take a look at the options and what each one entails:

A. A touching story: This option involves using a narrative or personal anecdote to evoke emotions in the audience. It can be an effective method to connect with readers emotionally and create empathy.

B. Historical facts: This option relies on presenting historical evidence or data to support the writer's position. While it can be informative and persuasive, it may not necessarily evoke a strong emotional response in the audience.

C. Expert opinions: This option involves referencing the viewpoints and perspectives of recognized experts in the field. Expert opinions can add credibility to an argument, but they may not have a strong emotional impact on the audience.

D. Scientific evidence: This option involves presenting empirical data, research findings, or scientific studies to support the writer's opinion. Although this can provide strong evidence, it may not always evoke a deep emotional response.

Considering the goal of making an emotional appeal in this essay, the most suitable option would be A. a touching story. By incorporating a personal and emotionally compelling narrative, the writer can effectively engage the audience and evoke their emotions, thereby increasing the persuasive impact of their essay.