Identify the expression or expressions equivalent to −5 + 4(−2x+6)−3x−5 + 4(−2x + 6) −3x.

A. -8x+19-3x
B. 5x-29
C. -11x+19
D. -5x-19
I really need help with this.

if this bothers you, review the distributive property and order of operations

−5 + 4(−2x+6)−3x
= -5 + 4(-2x) + 4(6) - 3x
= -5 - 8x + 24 - 3x
Now, since addition is commutative, that's
= -8x - 3x - 5 + 24
= -11x + 19

Ooooh now I see it. Thank you so much Oobleck!

we are just volunteers who drop by when we have time. There's no guarantee just who or where that will be. Sometimes you need to be patient.

Also, If you do not mind me asking are all Jiskha teachers on at any time?

Ok thank you.

To simplify the given expression, we can follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS). Here's how we can break it down:

−5 + 4(−2x+6)−3x−5 + 4(−2x + 6) −3x

First, distribute the 4 to the terms inside the parentheses:

−5 + (4 * −2x) + (4 * 6) − 3x − 5 + (4 * −2x) + (4 * 6) − 3x

Simplify the multiplication:

−5 + (−8x) + 24 − 3x − 5 + (−8x) + 24 − 3x

Combine like terms:

(−5 − 5) + (−8x − 8x) + (24 + 24) − (3x + 3x)

Simplify further:

−10 + (−16x) + 48 − 6x

Combine like terms:

−10 + 48 + (−16x − 6x)

Simplify further:

38 + (−22x)

So, the equivalent expression is 38 - 22x.

Now let's look at the answer choices:

A. -8x+19-3x
B. 5x-29
C. -11x+19
D. -5x-19

None of the answer choices match the simplified expression of 38 - 22x. Therefore, none of the given options are equivalent to the original expression.