Hiya! I have this confusing Math problem, can someone explain it to me?

5(x + 10) + x
A. 6x + 15
B. 5x + 15
C. 6x + 50
D. 4x – 50
I'm guessing the answer is A? But I'm just making a wild guess, so if someone could explain HOW to do the problem, I would be VERY grateful!
Thanks, and have a wonderful day!

review the distributive property.

5(x+10) + x
= 5*x + 5*10 + x
= 5x + 50 + x
= 6x + 50

ok boomer

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, Thank you so much, @oobleck!

Hello! I'd be happy to help you with your math problem.

The expression you provided is: 5(x + 10) + x.

To simplify this expression, you can use the distributive property, which states that multiplying a number by a sum is the same as multiplying the number by each term in the sum.

Step 1: Distribute the 5 to both terms inside the parentheses.

5(x + 10) + x = 5x + 50 + x

Now we have simplified the expression a bit.

Step 2: Combine like terms. In this case, we have the terms 5x and x, which can be added together.

5x + 50 + x = 6x + 50

So the simplified form of the expression 5(x + 10) + x is 6x + 50.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) 6x + 50.

I hope that explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions. Have a great day too!