A certain company pays the workers at the end of each week. if a worker works up to 40 hours he is paid 10 gh cedis for each hour worked. if an employee works more than 40 hours he is paid 15 gh cedis for every hour worked in excess of 40. all employees are required to pay 15% of their gross as income tax. 2 and half % as national health levy,1% as to the metropolitan tax. any employee who has more than three children must pay 1.50 gh cedis per child in excess of three gets fund.

Write an algorithm that can be used to calculate the gross pay, income tax ,national levy,metropolitan tax,contribution to get fund and net pay with appropriate caption.

Here is an algorithm that can be used to calculate the gross pay, income tax, national levy, metropolitan tax, contribution to the get fund, and net pay for the employees:

1. Start by asking the user to enter the number of hours worked by the employee in a week.
2. Calculate the gross pay by using the following formula:
- If hours worked are equal to or less than 40, calculate gross pay as (hours worked * 10).
- If hours worked are more than 40, calculate gross pay as [(40 * 10) + ((hours worked - 40) * 15)].
3. Calculate the income tax as (gross pay * 0.15).
4. Calculate the national health levy as (gross pay * 0.025).
5. Calculate the metropolitan tax as (gross pay * 0.01).
6. Ask the user to enter the number of children the employee has.
7. Check if the number of children is greater than 3.
- If true, calculate the contribution to the get fund as ([number of children - 3] * 1.5).
- If false, the contribution to the get fund is 0.
8. Calculate the net pay as (gross pay - income tax - national health levy - metropolitan tax - contribution to the get fund).
9. Display the calculated values with appropriate captions:
- Gross Pay: [gross pay]
- Income Tax: [income tax]
- National Levy: [national health levy]
- Metropolitan Tax: [metropolitan tax]
- Contribution to Get Fund: [contribution to the get fund]
- Net Pay: [net pay]

Note: Remember to handle any input errors, such as non-numeric inputs. Also, adjust the currency symbols and rounding as per the specific requirements of your program or language.