Draw aspeed v aganist time graph by guessing of the values of your trip to school this morning.show how this graph can be used to determine distance.

Do your own graph.

time on the x axis
speed on the y axis

t = 0 at start
t =T at end
speed varies with time but starts at 0 at t =0 and ends at 0 at school
now look at a little rectangle from t to t+ a second or two
the area under that rectangle is the distance (speed * time) you went from t to t + a second or two
so the total area under that v versus t graph line is the distance from your house to school, the sum of all those little distance rectangles.
There is a name for that, integral calculus.



To draw a speed vs. time graph, you need to gather data on your trip to school. Since you are asked to guess the values, let's consider a hypothetical example:

Let's assume you left home at 8:00 AM, and it took you 30 minutes to reach school. During this time, you estimate that your speed gradually increased from 0 mph to 30 mph.

To create the graph, follow these steps:

1. Set up the axes: Draw two perpendicular lines on a piece of paper, labeling the vertical axis as "Speed (mph)" and the horizontal axis as "Time (minutes)."

2. Mark the time intervals: Divide the horizontal axis into equal time increments based on your trip duration. For instance, if your trip lasted 30 minutes, you could mark each minute with a small tick and label accordingly.

3. Define the speed values: On the vertical axis, mark the speed values corresponding to each time increment based on your guesses. Since you estimated your speed increased from 0 mph to 30 mph, you can evenly distribute these values on the vertical axis.

4. Plot the points: Plot the points where the time and speed values intersect. For example, if you estimate that at 5 minutes into your trip, your speed reached 10 mph, you would plot a point at (5, 10) on the graph.

5. Connect the points: Draw a smooth line or curve connecting all the plotted points. This line represents the speed vs. time relationship for your trip to school.

Now, to determine the distance traveled, observe the graph. The distance covered during a specific time interval can be calculated by finding the area under the graph between two points.

For instance, if you want to determine the distance traveled in the first 15 minutes, find the area between the x-axis (time) and the graph for that interval. Measure the width of the rectangle (15 minutes) and the height (average speed during that interval) and multiply them to find the area. This area represents the distance traveled in that time period.

Repeat this process for different time intervals to calculate the distance traveled for each segment of your trip.

Please note that this method is based on estimations and assumes a constant speed between each point on the graph. In reality, speed might vary, leading to some inaccuracies in the distance calculations.