San francisco's bay area rapid transit transit sells $48 tickets at a discount price of $45. what is the percent discount?

I just dis that.

6 1/4 %

100 (48-45)/48

6.25% because 48/100=.48, and then multiply .48 to get to the amount of the discount which is .48*93.75=45 and because you need to find the difference u subtract 93.75% from 100% and that is 6.25%

Yes Ester, but 100 (3/48) = 6.35% quicker :)

I mean 6.25%

45/48 = 0.9375 = 93.75% paid.

Discount = 100 - 93.75 = 6.25%.

To calculate the percent discount, we need to find the difference between the regular price and the discounted price, and then divide it by the regular price. Here's how you can do it:

1. Subtract the discounted price from the regular price to find the difference: $48 - $45 = $3

2. Divide the difference by the regular price: $3 / $48 = 0.0625

3. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage: 0.0625 * 100 = 6.25%

So, the percent discount on the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) tickets is 6.25%.